Dr.-Ing. Michael Krumm
COVENTYA GmbH, Stadtring Nordhorn 116 – D-33334 Gütersloh
Email-Adresse: m.krumm(at)coventya.com
Berufliche Stationen
Forschung und Entwicklung (R&D) bei COVENTYA GmbH, Paris – März 2014 – Heute
Forschung und Entwicklung (R&D) bei COVENTYA GmbH, Gütersloh – Dezember 2013 – März 2014
Promotion an der Universität Konstanz (Dr. rer. nat.)
Januar 2010 – Dezember 2013, Konstanz (Germany)
Promotion in Chemie, Arbeitsgruppe “Inorganic Functional Materials”, Inorganic / Organic Hybrid-Materials based on Metal Oxide-Aerogels
Studium der Chemie and der Universität Konstanz (Diplom)
Oktober 2004 – Dezember 2009, Konstanz (Germany)
Diplom Arbeit, Arbeitsgruppe "Inorganic Functional Materials“; Porous Zinc Oxide Materials from Molecular Precursor Systems
Anorganische Materialien
Sol-Gel-Synthese, Metalloxide, Nanomaterialien, Halbleiter, poröse Materialien, Hybrid-Materialien, Aerogele, Kolloide
Polymere , Lacke
Leitfähige Polymere, Korrosionsschutzlacke, Polymer-Dispersionen, Polymer Synthese
Beschichtungen, Oberflächentechnik
Dünn-Film-Beschichtungen, Electroplating, Sol-Gel-Prozess, Dip-coating, Spin-coating, CVD, PVD, Oberflächentechnik
Oberflächen- und Material-Analyse
- Korrosionsschutz durch Zinklamellensysteme mit optimierten Eigenschaften
Kompetenz in Werkstoff und funktioneller Oberfläche, 2015Peer Review Journale
- Monolithic Zinc Oxide Aerogels from Organometallic Sol-Gel Precursors
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 5129– 5136- The Molecular Path to Inorganic Materials – Zinc Oxide and Beyond
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2010, 36315, 4148- 4157- Chromium Containing Zinc Oxide Materials from Organobimetallic Precursors
Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39, 2232–2238- Gas Phase Synthesis of Titania with Aerogel Character and its Application as a Support in Catalysis
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 10032-10040- The Molecular Path to Inorganic Materials – Zinc Oxide and Beyond
ChemInform, 2011, Selection of the most important and innovative reactions in organic, bioorganic, medicinal, inorganic and organometallic chemistry- Temperature Stable and Optically Transparent Thin Film Zinc Oxide Aerogel Electrodes as Model-Systems for 3-D Interpenetrating Organic-Inorganic Heterojunction Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 6522–6529-Biomimetic Crystallization of Anisotropic Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in the Homogeneous Phase: Shape Control by Surface Additives Applied under Thermodynamic or Kinetic Control
RSC Advances, 2, 5298-5306, 2012- Hierarchical Zinc Oxide Materials with Multiple Porosity Prepared by Ultrafast Temperature Gradient Chemical Gas-Phase Synthesis
Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 543–548