Prof. Dr. Rumen Krastev
Diplom-Chemiker, Biomaterialien, beim NMI - Naturwissenschaftliches Medizinisches Institut der Universität Tübingen
Polymer / Polyelektrolyt dünne Schichten, Nano Technologie, Biomaterialien, Feste / Flüssige Oberflächen, Schäume
Werdegang mit den wichtigsten Stationen
2011 - heute Leiter des Bereiches Bioorganische Chemie und Bioanalytik
2008 – heute Arbeitsgruppenleiter Biomaterialien am NMI
2005 - 2008 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter am Max-Planck Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung (MPI KG), Gruppenleiter – Soft Thin Films
2002 - 2005 Instrument verantwortlich (Neutronen Reflektometrie) Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin
1996 – 2002 PostDoc / Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter an MPI KG, Abt. Grenzflächen, Golm/Potsdam
1996 Promotion an der Universität Sofia
1993, 1998 Forschungsaufenthalt Universität Bristol, GB
1986 - 1995 Juniorprofessor Physikalische Chemie und Oberflächenchemie (Universität Sofia, Bulgarien)
1985 Diplom, Chemie – Anorganische- und Physikalische Chemie
Zusätzliche Literatur
A. Polyelektrolyt dünne Schichten:
M. Elzbieciak, S. Zapotoczny, P. Nowak, R. Krastev, M. Nowakowska, P. Warszyński Langmuir 25 (2009) 3255 Influence of pH on the Structure of Multilayer Films Composed of Strong and Weak Polyelectrolytes
M. Kolasinska, R. Krastev, T. Gutberlet, P. Warszynski Langmuir 25 (2009) 1224 Layer by layer deposition of polyelectrolytes. Dipping vs. Spraying
S. Gromelski, A. M. Saraiva, R. Krastev, G. Brezesinski Coll. Surf. B: Biointerfaces 74 (2009) 477 The formation of lipid bilayers on surfaces
J. Chen, R. Köhler, T. Gutberlet, H. Möhwald, R. Krastev Soft Matter 5 (2009) 228 Asymmetric Lipid Bilayer Sandwiched in Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films through Layer-by-Layer Assembly
M. Delcea, R. Krastev, Th. Gutberlet, D. Pum, U. B. Sleytr, J. L.Toca-Herrera Soft Matter 4 (2008) 1414 Thermal stability, mechanical properties and water content of bacterial protein layers recrystallized on polyelectrolyte multilayers
.N. Krasteva, H. Möhwald, R. Krastev C. R. Chimie 12 (2009) 129 Structural changes in stimuli-responsive nanoparticle/dendrimer composite films upon vapor sorption
B. Schäume / Schaum Filmen:
M. Dittrich, B. Havertz, R. Krastev Pharmazeutische Zeitung 4 (2009) 86 Neue Erkenntnisse zum Wirkmechanismus von Simeticon
P. Claesson, C. Stubenrauch, R. Krustev, I. Johansson in Sugar-Based Surfactants: Fundamentals and Applications (Cristobal Carnero Ruiz ed.) 2008, Taylor&Francis, LLC Thin Film and Foam Properties of Sugar-Based Surfactants
N. Ikeda, R. Krustev, H.–J. Muller Adv. Coll. Int. Sci. 108-109 (2004) 273 Thermodynamic consideration on single oil in water emulsion film stabilized by cationic surfactant
Steuer, H., Krastev, R., Lembert, N. (2013).
Metallic oxide nanoparticles stimulate blood coagulation independent of their surface charge
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2013 Dec 18. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.33051.
Nolte, A., Hossfeld, S., Schroeppel, B., Mueller, A., Stoll, D., Walker, T., Wendel, H. P., Krastev, R. (2012).
Impact of polyelectrolytes and their corresponding multilayers to human primary endothelial cells
J Biomater Appl. 2012 Mar 28.
Hossfeld, S., Xiong, X., Krastev, R. (2013).
Polyelectrolyte Coatings for Surfaces Modification
WOMag. 02/2013: 22.
Hartmann, H., Hossfeld, S., Schlosshauer, B., Mittnacht, U., Pego, A. P., Dauner, M., Doser, M., Stoll, D., Krastev, R. (2013).
Hyaluronic acid / chitosan multilayer coatings on neuronal implants for localized delivery of siRNA nanoplexes
J Control Release. 2013 Apr 4;168(3):289-297. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.03.026.
Hossfeld, S., Xiong, X., Krastev, R. (2013).
Polyelectrolyte Coatings for Surfaces Modification
WOMag. 02/2013: 22.
Hossfeld, S., Nolte, A., Hartmann, H., Recke, M., Schaller, M., Walker, T., Kjems, J., Schlosshauer, B., Stoll, D., Wendel, H. P., Krastev, R. (2013).
Bioactive coronary stent coating based on layer-by-layer technology for siRNA release
Acta Biomater. 2013 Jan 17. pii: S1742-7061(13)00019-6. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.01.013.
Ramanathan, M., Muller, H. J., Mohwald, H., Krastev, R.
Foam films as thin liquid gas separation membranes
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2011 Mar;3(3):633-7. Epub 2011 Feb 11.
Farajzadeh, R., Muruganathan, R. M., Rossen, W. R., Krastev, R.
Effect of gas type on foam film permeability and its implications for foam flow in porous media
Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 2011 Apr 13.
Georgiev, G. A., Yokoi, N., Koev, K., Kutsarova, E., Ivanova, S., Kyumurkov, A., Jordanova, A., Krastev, R., Lalchev, Z. (2011)
Surface Chemistry Study of the Interactions of Benzalkonium Chloride with Films of Meibum, Corneal Cells Lipids, and Whole Tears
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Apr 7.
Köhler, R., Restolho, J., Krastev, R., Shimizu, K., Canoniga Lopes, J., Saramago, B. (2011)
Liquid- or solid-like behavior of [omim][BF4] at a solid interface?
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011(2): 1551-1555.
Stockle, S., Blecua, P., Mohwald, H., Krastev, R. (2010)
Dynamics of thinning of foam films stabilized by n-dodecyl-beta-maltoside
Langmuir. 2010 Apr 6;26(7):4865-72.
Fruh, J., Kohler, R., Mohwald, H., Krastev, R. (2010)
Changes of the molecular structure in polyelectrolyte multilayers under stress
Langmuir. 2010 Oct 5;26(19):15516-22.
Georgiev, G. A., Kutsarova, E., Jordanova, A., Krastev, R., Lalchev, Z. (2010)
Interactions of Meibomian gland secretion with polar lipids in Langmuir monolayers
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2010 Jul 1;78(2):317-27. Epub 2010 Mar 30.
Dittrich, M., Miederer, S. E., Havertz, B., Krastev, R. (2010)
Schaumzerstörung und Schaumverhinderung: Der Wirkmechanismus von Simeticon in vitro
J Gastroenterol Hepatol Erkr
Ramanathan, M., Mueller, H.J., Vedula, K., Mohwald, H., Krastev, R. (2010)
Basic properties of foam films stabilized with tetraethyl ammonium salt of perfluoro octane sulfonate (PFOS)
Colloids Surf A Physicochem.
Delajon, C., Gutberlet, T., Mohwald, H., Krastev, R. (2009)
Absorption of Light and Heavy Water Vapours in Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2009 Dec 1;74(2):462-7. Epub 2009 Sep 8.
Kohler, R., Donch, I., Ott, P., Laschewsky, A., Fery, A., Krastev, R. (2009)
Neutron Reflectometry Study of Swelling of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers in Water Vapours: Influence of Charge Density of the Polycation
Langmuir. 2009 Oct 6;25(19):11576-85.
Kolasinska, M., Gutberlet, T., Krastev, R. (2009)
Ordering of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films
Langmuir. 2009 Sep 1;25(17):10292-7.